Ohlson and Rice engine driven tools

Wiscona Pep engine

Economy engine

Novo engine

Cushman engine

McCormick Deering M engine

Fairbanks Morse Jack JR

Maytag Twin with generator

Fuller and Johnson engine

Herculues Engine with heavy flywheels and pinstripeing done by the original Herculues pinstriper

John Deere pulling tractor modified with a turbocharger.

Economy engine

John Deere W power unit painted blue for the Pure Oil Company of Noble IL.

Oil Field engine

Sattley engine

Washing machine with a Briggs and Stratton Y

International Harvester Famous

John Deere E engine modified with screen cooling

Early Case portable steam engine

Fairbanks Morse engine with walking beam pump jack

Fairbanks Morse ZC with generator

Small steam engine and boiler

Nice original Nelson Bros engine

Fairbanks Morse engine with winch

International Harvester Famous

Fairbanks Morse Jack of all Trades engine
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